What is Acne?

Acne is by far one of the most common skin issues suffered by both men and women. Despite its occurrence in men and women of all ages, it is far more common and will first occur during the teenage years. Acne will present itself as small to large, often red bumps, and pimples along both the face and body – occurring most frequently along the cheeks, forehead, shoulders, back, and even on the buttocks.

Acne isn’t a dangerous health concern, however it may cause patients to become quite self-conscious, and lack confidence in themselves – especially during the formative, teenage years. While occasional acne is extremely common, and will likely be resolved on its own, more moderate to severe cases of cystic acne and acne scarring will require medical attention and to be inspected by a qualified acne treatment expert – otherwise it can result in permanent damage when left untreated.

Symptoms of Acne

Common Symptoms of Acne and Acne Prone Skin are:

  • Whiteheads (closed plugged pores) – Acne lesions caused by skin cells and oil build-up.
  • Blackheads (open plugged pores) – The build-up of dirt and oil (sebum) under the skin within the pore. Turns black due to oxidation.
  • Papules – Small red, tender bumps – Inflamed comedones, forming a small pink or red bump. Tender, and extra sensitive, common in more severe acne cases.
  • Pimples or Pustules – Papules with pus at their tips, similar to whiteheads in appearance – often lead to scarring.
  • Nodules – Large,solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin. Caused by severe infections.
  • Cysts or Cystic Acne – Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin (cystic lesions). Look similar to boils, a result of severe acne.

For more information on acne and treatment methods, be sure to checkout our acne treatment program page!

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